Clinics for 2025

Several clinics in the works

Dressage Simulator Clinic with Kendra Clarke March 8, 2025 Frenchtown, NJ

On March 8th, CDA will sponsor a trip to New Jersey to ride the Dressage Simulator!  BLUE is a machine created by RACEWOOD in the UK.  With sensors on the saddle, reins, and the sides of the horse, BLUE gives the Rider the opportunity to practice all the dressage movements and work on their body.  BLUE can preform all the Grand Prix movements and never gets tired!  A video screen in front of the rider allows you to see your patterns and examine your position in detail, guided by biomechanics expert Kendra Clarke.  Kendra is a Level 2 Center Riding, and a Train Your Seat 4* Certified instructor.  CDA members will travel to New Jersey for this all day clinic.  Each rider will have a 45 minute private lesson on BLUE.  Transportation is included in the price, please bring your lunch.

More information on Kendra Clarke can be found Here

BLUE Frequently Asked Questions

$175.00 for CDA members

$190.00 for non-members

For more information contact Patricia Norcia or 860-391-2767 (cell)

Ride/Critique/Ride clinic with Bobbi Carleton (r) April 12-13, 2025, Sperry View Farm, Bethany CT

Once again, we bring back our popular ride/critique/ride clinic! Each 45 minute session will include an opportunity to ride through the test of your choice and receive scores and comments. Bobbi will review your test with you and suggest improvements. You may choose to ride through your entire test again or work with Bobbi to focus on a specific aspect of the ride.

In Hand Techniques with Patricia Norcia, August 2, 2025 at Idlenot Farm in Clinton, CT

A native of Rome, Italy, Patricia began early to follow her two passions: horses and theatre.  A graduate of the Yale School of Drama, she spent 20 years working as a professional actress and director, while at the same time doing her dressage training in Spain with Luis Ramos Paul, head of the Andalusian School of Equestrian Arts.

Currently based in Clinton, CT, she trains, competes and performs exhibitions with her PRE and Lusitano horses.  Patricia is certified to the highest level by the American Riding Instructor Association and the British Horse Society.  A major focus of her training program is groundwork techniques which she studied expensively with Luis Ramos Paul, Rodrigo Matos, Bettina Drummond and Miguel Anacoreta.

The clinic will begin with a demo of work in hand on short reins, long lines, and lunging techniques, followed by 45 minute lessons either on your own horse or one of her Iberians.

For more information contact Patricia Norcia at or 860-391-2767 (cell)

$175.00 CDA member

$190.00 non-member

$30.00 auditing fee for CDA member

$40.00 auditing fee for non-members

Lisa Schmidt Clinic October 11, 2025 Belle Free Farm Columbia, CT

Lisa Schmidt is a United States Equestrian Federation licensed "S" dressage judge with Young Horse, Dressage Seat Equitation and Musical Freestyle accreditation.  She is an FEI dressage competitor and trainer at all levels.  She has earned her USDF Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals.  Lisa is a member of the USDF L Program Faculty and has trained two 'r' judge's groups.  From 2010 to 2016, Lisa was USDF Region 1 Director and a member of the USDF Executive Board.  In addition to having completed the USDF Instructors Certification Workshops, Lisa has trained several horses through Grand Prix.  She and her students have been successful at many regional champtionships.

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