Year End Awards

2024 Year End Banquet


January 26th, 2025
3pm through 6pm
Lakeview Lodge, Bethany Veterans Memorial Park
265 Beacon Road, Bethany CT
RSVP by January 22nd, 2025
email ONLY to
name and number of attendance
20.00 USD per person
Raffles, Food, Awards, Fun and More!

CDA Year End Award Program Categories

CDA Annual Awards Program which includes:
- High Score Awards for Champion through 6th place for schooling competitions.
High Score Awards for Champion through 6th place for recognize competitions.

- Vista Vintage Awards Program which celebrates competition horses 18 years and older in both recognized and schooling shows.

- The CDA Rider Achievement Award Program for Adult Amateurs and Youth for the national levels, Training through Fourth Level, in both schooling and recognized shows.

- The CDA Volunteer of the Year Program Sponsored by Philla and Charles Osborne.

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