
How to apply for a CDA 2025 membership

Don’t forget the early bird price if postmarked or paid online by 12/15/2024

     - Adult:  Regular $55 / Early Bird  $50

     - Youth (must be 21 or under as of 10/31/24): Regular $45 / Early Bird  $40

     - Family:  Regular $55 for primary member & $35 for each additional member
Early Bird  $50 and $30

Please note that Venmo payments must include an additional $2 fee

READY TO REGISTER?   Please select one of our options below:

Benefits of CDA Membership

Benefits of CDA Membership

As part of your CDA membership, you will receive CDA’s monthly newsletter, The Centerline, via email.
You will receive the CDA Omnibus which includes:
• Current dressage tests, Introductory through Fourth Level
• The dressage pyramid of training and a glossary of dressage terms and definitions
• Prize lists for the current year’s competitions
• Information on all CDA Programs (see list below) as well as CDA’s upcoming clinics and Youth programs.
• You will be eligible for discounted fees at CDA shows, clinics and events.
• You will also become a USDF group member when you join CDA. As such you will receive USDF’s magazine, Connection, as well as access to “e-track” which provides unlimited online articles, videos on equine health care, training and much more for the duration of your membership. There are also member discounts in the USDF store, at USDF events, clinics and conferences. (Group Membership in USDF. CDA’s membership year and USDF’s membership year run from November 1, 2023 to October 31, 2024.)


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